Chris Payne, PE, CCM

Executive Director

Chris Payne has more than 35 years of experience in construction management and design, performing a wide variety of services, including construction project management, inspection, CPM scheduling, and cost estimating. He has frequently consulted on and supported the resolution of construction disputes, including analysis of delays, financial performance, and CM standard of care. He often provides specialized analyses of project performance and regularly testifies as an expert witness.

Chirs is recognized as a strategic and pragmatic problem-solver, able to dig into data and recognize root causes of performance and management problems. He has been an active member of the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) since 1999 and was inducted into CMAA’s College of Fellows in 2020. From 2017-2018 he served as Chair of the CMAA National Board of Directors.


  • ME, Civil Engineering, University of Virginia
  • BS, Civil Engineering, University of Virginia